Reclaim Resources

  • Wellness:

    The degree of success in this area can be assessed by one's physical and mental well- being. It includes factors such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, balanced nutrition, managing stress, and mental and emotional health.

  • Personal Growth & Learning:

    The degree of success in this area can be rated by one's commitment to continuous self-improvement and expanding knowledge and skills. It includes factors such as pursuing personal interests, setting and achieving goals, seeking new experiences, and embracing lifelong learning.

  • Partner & Love:

    Success in this area can be measured by the quality and satisfaction in one's romantic relationships. It includes factors such as emotional connection, mutual respect, effective communication, intimacy, and a sense of partnership and fulfillment.

  • Relationships:

    The degree of success in this area can be assessed by the quality of relationships with family members and friends. It includes factors such as open communication, trust, support, spending quality time together, and maintaining healthy and fulfilling connections.

  • Career & Work:

    Success in this area can be measured by factors such as job satisfaction, professional growth, achieving career goals, recognition, impact, and alignment between personal values and work.

  • Money:

    Success in this area can be measured by one's ability to effectively manage and grow their financial resources. It includes factors such as income, savings, investments, financial stability, and achieving financial goals.

  • Fun & Recreation:

    Success in this area can be evaluated by the extent to which a person engages in enjoyable and fulfilling activities. It includes pursuing hobbies, leisure time, engaging in entertainment, and finding moments of relaxation and rejuvenation.

  • Personal Environment:

    The degree of success in this area can be measured by the quality and harmony of one's physical surroundings. It includes factors such as a clean and organized living space, a conducive work environment, and a sense of comfort and aesthetic appeal.

  • Spirituality:

    Success in this area can be assessed by the degree of personal connection and growth in one's spiritual beliefs and practices. It includes factors such as finding meaning and purpose, inner peace, self-reflection, mindfulness, and a sense of connection to something greater than oneself.