Reset - Reimagine - Reengage

Reset - Reimagine - Reengage

Gather with your fellow woman to take back life through reflection, connection, and intentional living.

Your whole life can be summed up in one Text:

the “meh” emoji.

You did everything you were supposed to do…

You were told: Do all the things -and then- you’ll feel successful. So you did all the things (everyone knew you would), and you -are- successful.

You should feel awesome!  But in the quiet moments, when you really get honest with yourself, you secretly wonder: “Is this really all there is?

Everything in your life is exactly the way you want it, but you’re still not satisfied. Your head is screaming: “For f-sake! You’ve done everything. Listened to everyone.” And your heart is crying: “Then why the ‘f’ am I still not satisfied?!

You’ve worked so hard to gather all the right pieces. But no matter what you try, you just can’t make them fit together. You’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of try, try, try some more. Yet just falling short of anything feeling like it’s good enough.

I want you to know…

…you’re not the problem.

What if I told you...

What if I told you...

striving, seeking,

You can stop

performing, perfecting.

Instead, let’s lean into…

  • Appreciating the present moment while embracing growth.

  • Choosing to change while being mindful of your limits and boundaries.

  • Prioritizing inner peace and balancing effort with rest, while embracing personal growth as a continuous journey.

Let your foot off the gas and enjoy the ride.


Let your foot off the gas and enjoy the ride. ~

I’ve been where you are.

This time though, it completely wiped me out. I was just going through the motions and life was such a grind.

I began to wonder: Was this all there was to life?

It took a major health crisis for me to realize there’s a huge difference between doing things and truly living life. And so began the process of combining what I learned from my own personal journey and 15+ years of experience in helping high-achieving women facing similar struggles.

When I hit 30, I had the degree, the awesome salary, the house, the car, the family… I “had it all”. From the outside looking in I was “living the best life” - Who was I to complain?

But on the inside, I was struggling. And the more I struggled, the more I did to try to change things, expecting that if I just tried a little more I’d finally grasp the satisfaction I’d been promised. After all, that’s what had worked for me in the past.

As a result, I developed a powerful framework that bridges the gap between being successful and feeling satisfied. 

Together we’re going to break out of the constant cycle of doing more and hoping for something different so that you can feel content in your mind and your soul.

Dala brings

  • “...practical solutions”

    “I liked her realistic and down-to-earth demeanor. Dala is gifted at seeing and understanding a situation in its entirety and draws out the positives while addressing concerns. Dala’s realism provided me insight and acknowledgment and I found that both insightful and trustworthy.”

    Ashley W.

  • “... honest and heartfelt opportunities for growth.”

    “I have recommended her to several of my family and friends. I feel the hearts and minds of those I care about would be cared for and given great opportunities to move forward in their journey.”

    -Lori S.

  • “...a true desire to help others.”

    “When working with Dala you know each interaction will be respectful, focused, and relevant. You will be treated with warmth, she makes you feel seen and heard.”

    -Andy R.

Welcome to Reclaim .

A reenergizing and uplifting space that helps you create a crystal clear life vision and momentum towards living this life in a sustainable and satisfying way.

When you join Reclaim , you’re committing to discovering

…your version of a life full of promise and hope.

…more energy and motivation to experience greater contentment.

…a world of possibilities that creates a future of fulfillment,

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
— Oscar Wilde

My Trusted Methodology

  • 1. Re-Set


    You can’t forge a new path forward if you don’t know where you currently are.

    In the First Stage, you’ll learn to assess the balance in your life so you can track progress, make improvements, and adapt to changes in your life circumstances.

  • 2. Re- Imagine

    Get Dreaming

    When people imagine a positive future, they often start taking helpful action.

    In the Second Stage, you’ll master inner reflection and self connection to uncover what is deeply important to you to newfound sense of hope and inspiration and motivation.

  • 3. Re-Engage

    Get Connected

    Small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle lead to bigger changes over time without overwhelm.

    In the Third Stage, you’ll discover how to break larger goals down into small, manageable actions that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Month by month, you’ll design a roadmap that reflects your priorities and leads you down a “unique to you” path of soul-deep satisfaction.

“She really wanted to know how I was and what was going on with me. She had a way of falling in step with me so I never felt like I was all alone”

- M.L.

“She’s collaborative and supportive. She is gifted at seeing and understanding a situation in its entirety. She’s authentic, insightful, and trustworthy… no toxic positivity from her. ”

- A.W.

Ugh… I don’t know, Dala. I don’t have the bandwidth to try something new only for it to not work (again) for me.

I get it… been there, done that,

have the t-shirt to prove it.

Like you, I “did all the things” too: Filled my Kindle with personal development books, binged my fave life coach podcasts, and squeezed as many self-help strategies I possibly could into my routine. You’re used to taking on challenges all on your own.

The upside to this… you’re basically unstoppable.

The downside to this… it’s exhausting.

You don’t have to DO more to get what you need.

All you need is to recognize and connect with what you already know and have. You don’t have to overextend yourself anymore. You’ll learn how to take small but meaningful steps that fit easily into your life. Over time these will not only become second nature but create lasting changes and deep contentment in your life.

Two options to Reclaim your life

The Refresh Collective

Monthly Membership

The purpose is to support you in self-discovery, preparing you to unlock lasting change and lifelong contentment.
  • Monthly Guided Self-Reflection Journal
    Receive a newly themed journal every month to support you on your self-reflection journey.
  • Live Community Events
    Get the most from your membership by harnessing the motivation of collective energy. Attend monthly events to exchange ideas, share strategies, and receive accountability. 
  • Unlimited Access to Our Online Community
    Receive encouragement, seek advice, and celebrate wins together.


Cost: $27 USD per Month

Benefit: The comfort of a slow and steady pace

Group Mentorship

The Reclaim Collective

The purpose is to support you in self-discovery, preparing you to unlock lasting change and lifelong contentment.
  • Learn My Reclaim Methodology
    Receive 8 weekly lessons based on my step-by-step methodology.
  • Live Collaborations Sessions
    These sessions include discussions, skill development, and opportunities for participants to share experiences and challenges, creating a dynamic and supportive learning environment.
  • Personalized Mentorship Opportunities
    Get personalized mentorship and individual attention during our live group meetings through spotlight sessions. 


Cost: $997 USD

Limited Time Bonus: 4 FREE months of The Reclaim Collective ($108 Value)

What it’s like working with Dala

  • “She met me where I was in the moment. It was so healing to feel seen, understood, and heard.”

    -Melissa L.

  • “I appreciate her down-to-earth demeanor.”

    -Ashley W.

  • “When working with Dala I knew every interaction would be respectful, focused, and on topic.”

    — Andrea R.

  • I will provide feedback, encouragement and accountability, and facilitate discussions and activities that help you develop the skills and knowledge that help each member achieve their goals. Mentorship is primarily offered in a group setting to support connection and collective growth.

  • If you take advantage of each weeks lessons and support resources plan to protect about 45 min of time each week. If you’re only able to do the essentials, plan to dedicate about 20-30 min of time each week.

  • Each Live Virtual Session is recorded and upload to that week’s lesson page. This way you can revisit the recording on your own time and benefit from what the group worked on that week. Either way you can still get everything you need from either program.

Questions I Get Asked All the Time

  • Refresh Col. is a monthly memebership.

    Reclaim Col. is an 8 week commitment.

  • We won’t be talking about high-level concepts and strategies. We won’t be exploring deeply vulnerable experiences in our past or present. But we will be looking at our lives, both externally and internally, so you should feel comfortable or even enjoy regularly engaging in self-reflection to gain insight into your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

  • Reclaim is all about finding fulfillment and contentment in the things that you do regularly. Instead of just focusing on achieving your goals, you’ll learn to think about what truly brings you satisfaction and create meaningful and lasting actions that can be easily integrated into your daily routines.

Don’t just go through the motions of life… embrace fully living.


1 | Click the “Reclaim my life!” button below

2 | Select your plan for the collective community (monthly or annual) 

3 | Checkout with your preferred payment method to complete your purchase

4 | Keep your eyes on your inbox for your welcome email